As an Aries, I possess the following oft-negative characteristics of stubbornness, detrimentally strong emotions, impatience, and a wily aggressiveness. As an Aries, I love to be the chaser, not the chased. For the most part, I have been the pursuer of love. I approach. I call. I ask him out on a date. I am very comfortable in this role. This, for the most part, has worked splendidly. And, then, when I am chased by a man it makes for a nice change and I feel pretty. With my last boyfriend, he was very straightforward. I asked him out (clearly). But, when the date went well, he, promptly, called me and asked me out again. That was nice.
As of late, I have been fighting my natural instincts. Be patient, I tell myself. If he doesn't call you right away, that doesn't mean anything. Particularly in the world of on-line dating. Don't be overly aggressive and scare potential awesome dudes away. I've had a strict, "they come to me" attitude in the on-line dating world. I make them do the fucking winking or emailing or high-fiving or whatever. Then, after we chat a bit, I give my number, but wait for him to call. Well, dear readers, The Ram is getting tired of waiting.
In an age of endless communication, how do you communicate? For example, Soul Patch and I have been writing and texting. After my bad phone call with Bean, I am hesitant to call. Soul Patch asked me to hang out (via text) on Sunday. I gave him dates and times. Didn't hear back. So, last night, I texted him again (something coy, but also along the lines of wtf), and haven't heard back. Patchy, I'm not playing that game. I haven't even met the guy, so it is not worth my time to wait around for him to communicate.
I'm getting tired of waiting, guessing. Maybe I'll just have to go back to my natural inclination as an Aries. Be the aggressor. Be the chaser. Hunt.
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